Suramin sodium synthesis
- Product Name:Suramin sodium
- CAS Number:129-46-4
- Molecular formula:C51H34N6Na6O23S6
- Molecular Weight:1429.17
This is once again reduced to the amine (37.4.11) in the same manner. Reacting the resulting product with phosgene makes [8,8′-carbonyl-bis-[imino-3,1-phenylencarbonylimino(4-methyl-3,1-phenylen]-carbonylimino]-bis-1,3,5-naphthalenetrisulfonic acid (37.4.12), which upon being treated with sodium hydroxide gives suramin.

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Multi-step reaction with 5 steps
1: 88.1 percent / toluene; H2O / pH 4
2: 95.6 percent / H2 / Pd/C / H2O
3: 68.8 percent / toluene; H2O / pH 4
4: 85.3 percent / H2 / Pd/C / H2O
5: toluene; H2O / pH 4
Ullmann, Heiko;Meis, Sabine;Hongwiset, Darunee;Marzian, Claudia;Wiese, Michael;Nickel, Peter;Communi, Didier;Boeynaems, Jean-Marie;Wolf, Christian;Hausmann, Ralf;Schmalzing, Günther;Kassack, Matthias U. [Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2005,vol. 48,# 22,p. 7040 - 7048]