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ChemicalBook CAS DataBase List DI-N-BUTYL SULFOXIDE


9synthesis methods


Reaction Conditions:

with oxygen;[5,6]fullerene-C70 in tolueneQuantum yield;Kinetics;Irradiation;


General procedure: The kinetics of the photosensitized oxidation reaction of dibutyl sulfide with air oxygen was investigatedin a toluene solution in 20mL scintillation vials usedas a static reactor. The choice of toluene as the solventis due to high solubility of fullerenes in it, which is1.4 g/L [33]. The experimental setup is schematized inFig. 1. The reaction mixture was prepared by adding17.5 μL of dibutyl sulfide and an accurately measuredaliquot of naphthalene (~12 mg) to 10 mL of 0.21 μMC70 fullerene solution in toluene. Naphthalene wasused as an internal standard for quantitative chromatographic determination of the reactants and products.A vial was secured with clamps above a LED lamp(Fig. 1). A narrow fluoroplastic tube was introduced toa reaction mixture through an opening in a fluoroplastic stopper, through which air was supplied with a flowrate of 100 mL/min. Aircooling of the reactor with afan allowed maintaining the reactor temperature closeto room temperature. A 10W light emitting diodelamp SDO210 (ASD Corporation, Hong Kong)with a ZhS17 light filter transmitting light in therange of 480-800 nm was used as a light source. Thelight intensity was measured using a 20mL Pyrex vial of 25 mm in diameter, filled with the reaction mixture,mounted at different distances from the light source.


Arsentyev;Vorontsov;Parmon [High Energy Chemistry,2015,vol. 49,# 3,p. 167 - 172][Khim. Vys. Energ.,2015,vol. 49,# 3,p. 194 - 199,6]