The phenylacetyl‐CoA catabolon: a complex catabolic unit with broad biotechnological applications
The term catabolon was introduced to define a complex functional unit integrated by different catabolic pathways, which are, or could be, co‐ordinately regulated, and that catalyses the transformation of structurally related compounds into a common catabolite. The phenylacetyl‐CoA catabolon encompasses all the routes involved in the transformation of styrene, 2‐phenylethylamine, trans‐styrylacetic acid, phenylacetaldehyde, phenylacetic acid, phenylacetyl amides, phenylacetyl esters and n‐phenylalkanoic acids containing an even number of carbon atoms, into phenylacetyl‐CoA. This common intermediate is subsequently catabolized through a route of convergence, the phenylacetyl‐CoA catabolon core, into general metabolites. The genetic organization of this central route, the biochemical significance of the whole functional unit and its broad biotechnological applications are discussed.