DIG RNA LABELING MIX C??? ??, ??, ??
RNA labeling with Digoxigenin-11-UTP by
in vitro transcription with SP6, T7, and T3 RNA polymerases. DIG-labeled RNA is used in a variety of hybridization techniques:
- Northern blots
- Southern blots
- Dot blots
- Plaque or colony lifts
- RNase protection experiments
- Chromosomes, cells, and tissue sections in situ
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This product is designed as a safer chemical.? The DIG System was established as a sensitive and cost-effective alternative to using radioactivity for the labeling and detection of nucleic acids. There are many available publications that prove the versatility of the DIG System, so use of radio-labeling is no longer the only option for labeling of DNA for hybridization.
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