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ChemicalBook CAS DataBase List Ethanol

Ethanol synthesis

13synthesis methods
There are several approaches to the production of ethanol; mainly ethanol is produced by fermentation.

Yield:64-17-5 100%

Reaction Conditions:

with hexaaquaruthenium(II) tosylate in water-d2 at 50; for 18 h;Inert atmosphere;


General procedure: D (11 mg, 51.7 lmol), E (5.5 lL, 51.7 lmol), and F (2.5 lL,51.7 lmol) were each separately dissolved in 0.70 mL D2O with2.0 mg of 1 (3.63 lmol), 7% catalyst. The D2O was previouslysparged with argon for 5 min. Each of the reactions was run ina regular NMR tube at 50 C and monitored using 1H NMRspectroscopy; the tosylate anion of 1 was used as a standard forcalculating the amount of product (i.e.% yield) formed.Confirmation of the final products was done through authenticaddition including the use of uridine from the hydrolysis G andH. For variable temperature runs, 2.0 mg of 1 (3.63 lmol) was dissolvedin 0.70 mL D2O (previously sparged with Ar) and equilibratedat the desired temperatures (30 C, 40 C, 60 C) for at least 15 min inthe NMR magnet. The immediate addition of 5.5 lL of ethyleneglycol monoallyl ether, A, (52 lmol) to this NMR tube was followedby spectral acquisitions at the set temperature.


Kuo, Louis Y.;Delaney, Frances E. [Inorganica Chimica Acta,2015,vol. 435,p. 335 - 339]

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