Gadolinium Boride, also called Gadolinium Hexaboride, is one of the rare earth borides, the molecular formula is GdB6. In the metallic compound GdB6, gadolinium shows a very unusual magnetic behavior. GdB6 crystallizes in a cubic CaB6-type structure and orders antiferromagnetically at TN=16 K. While no crystal field splitting is expected for the Gd3+ ground state, earlier studies showed deviations from the Curie-Weiss law of magnetic susceptibility far above TN and a Schottky anomaly at 30 K in the specific heat measure-ments. The existence of short-range ordering above TN to explain the anomalous magnetic behavior in GdB6 Recent studies of the electrical resistivity and magnetic torque reveal the existence of a second magnetic transition around 10 K in zero magnetic field and a more complicated magnetic field-versus-temperature phase diagram.