Features:Soluble orange light-emitting PPV copolymer.Excellent reproducibility.Broad emission spectrum.High efficiency.Very low operation voltage.Very long DC and AC lifetime.High temperature stability (>100 °C).Typical performance measured in standard device stack (ITO/PEDOT:PSS 20 nm/PDO-123 80 nm/Ba 6 nm/Ag 150 nm):Max. efficiency: 5.0 Cd/A.V_on: 2.0 V.V at 100 cd/m2: 2.6 V.V at 1000 cd/m2: 3.3 V.Max. power eff.: 5.5 lm/W.External quantum eff.: 3.5%.CIE1931 at 100 cd/m2: (0.60, 0.40).DC lifetime at 100 cd/m2 at RT: >>25000.
5 g/L in toluene for spin-coating.Special formulation needed for Inkjet.Preparation of device should be in N2 atmosphere.