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  • 電話:020-29185636
  • 郵箱:2130357954@qq.com
  • 網(wǎng)址:http://www.approvedhomemanagement.com/supplier/11694785/
  • 產(chǎn)品總數(shù):9791
  • CB指數(shù):58
  • 國籍:中國
  •       我公司致力于腫瘤免疫藥研發(fā)臨床前CRO服務和科研轉(zhuǎn)化服務的國家高新技術(shù)企業(yè)。為全國客戶提供PDX腫瘤標本庫、原代ATCC細胞及其它源細胞、動物實驗、SCI潤色等產(chǎn)品和服務。 近年來我司已累計申報專利30件+,獲授權(quán)自主知識產(chǎn)權(quán)18件,發(fā)明專利已授權(quán)1件、實審3件、在申報3件。通過廣泛與中山大學、廣州中科院、廣州醫(yī)科大學,南方醫(yī)科大學等深度合作,建立產(chǎn)學研聯(lián)盟,為企業(yè)不斷輸送技術(shù)支持,奠定在同行業(yè)內(nèi)的核心競爭力。 企業(yè)核心項目為“PDX模型、動物疾病模型及CRC原代細胞在抗腫瘤新藥研發(fā)、臨床個體化治療中的應用”,目前擁有各類細胞株/系近千株,PDX腫瘤異體移植活體標本庫近200個,各類動物疾病模型40多種,可滿足各類抗腫瘤新藥的篩選需求。 公司用于新冠研究的“一種SARS-CoV-2假病毒小鼠體內(nèi)包裝系統(tǒng)及其制備方法”發(fā)明專利(已授權(quán)),更是國際上首個,無需P3級實驗室的新冠動物模型,對于新冠的疫苗開發(fā)和新藥研發(fā)有極高應用價值。 我們將繼續(xù)不斷進取,把新技術(shù)更好更快的向臨床轉(zhuǎn)化應用,讓科研成果更多的服務于社會大眾,推動生命健康領域的發(fā)展。
英文名稱 中文名稱 CAS號 操作
Recommended SCI paper polishing 推薦sci論文潤色 詳細
Recommend good SCI polishing companies 推薦好的sci潤色公司 詳細
Which is good for polishing medical SCI papers 醫(yī)學sci論文潤色哪家好 詳細
Refinish an SCI article 一篇sci文章潤色 詳細
Experimental outsourcing is average 實驗外包一般 詳細
Project approval for ghostwriting project 代寫課題立項 詳細
SCI paper polishing sci論文潤色大概 詳細
Refine an SCI 潤色一篇sci 詳細
Companies that excel in animal experiments 動物實驗好的公司 詳細
Cas9 gene knockout cell line cas9基因敲除細胞系 詳細
Nude mice 裸鼠成瘤 詳細
Medical SCI publication polishing 醫(yī)學sci發(fā)表潤色 詳細
How much is the polishing cost for medical SCI papers 醫(yī)學sci論文潤色多少錢 詳細
SCI polishing with high cost-effectiveness 性價比高的sci潤色 詳細
Medical SCI polishing 醫(yī)學sci潤色 詳細
Xavier Experimental Outsourcing 賽維爾實驗外包 詳細
Final report of the project on behalf of others 代做課題結(jié)題報告 詳細
Online ghostwriting topic 網(wǎng)上代寫課題 詳細
SCI Refinish One Article sci潤色一篇 詳細
Mathematical SCI polishing 數(shù)學sci潤色 詳細
Cas9 construction gene knockout cas9構(gòu)建基因敲除 詳細
Cas9 gene knockout vector cas9基因敲除載體 詳細
Script SCI polishing 文稿sci潤色 詳細
Medical SCI Polishing Company 醫(yī)學sci潤色公司 詳細
Writing SCI polishing and submission 寫sci潤色和投稿 詳細
Conduct experiments on behalf of others 代做實驗 詳細
Experimental report ghostwriting 實驗報告代寫 詳細
SCI paper English polishing sci論文英文潤色 詳細
SCI polishing needs to be done sci潤色要 詳細
Gene knockout cas9 vector 基因敲除cas9載體 詳細
Which company is good for building animal models 動物模型構(gòu)建哪家好 詳細
General experimental outsourcing 一般實驗外包 詳細
A professional and reliable experimental outsourcing company 專業(yè)靠譜的實驗外包公司 詳細
Provincial project agency 省級課題代做 詳細
SCI paper polishing is generally a one minute service sci論文潤色一般一分鐘服務 詳細
Refinish an SCI article, probably by company 潤色一篇sci文章大概公司 詳細
Where to do animal experiments 動物實驗去哪做 詳細
Cas9 gene knockout mice cas9基因敲除小鼠 詳細
Medical SCI paper polishing quotation 醫(yī)學sci論文潤色報價 詳細
Medical SCI paper polishing costs a lot of money 醫(yī)學sci論文潤色多錢 詳細
A SCI retouching 一篇sci潤色 詳細
Outsourced animal experiments 外包動物實驗的 詳細
Ghostwriting projects for general companies 代寫課題一般公司 詳細
Outsourcing an animal experiment 外包一個動物實驗 詳細
Sci article polishing generally requires sci文章潤色一般要 詳細
Article SCI polishing 文章sci潤色 詳細
Cas9 gene knockout cas9基因敲除 詳細
Literature polishing company 文獻潤色公司 詳細
Medical SCI polishing price 醫(yī)學sci潤色價格 詳細
Xi'an Paper Polishing Company 西安論文潤色公司 詳細
Animal experiments usually require a company 動物實驗一般要公司 詳細
Medical research project services 醫(yī)學科研課題服務 詳細
SCI polishing fee general company sci潤色費一般公司 詳細
SCI polishing is average sci潤色一般 詳細
Gene knockout crispr cas9 基因敲除crispr cas9 詳細
What are the models of liver injury 肝損傷模型有哪些 詳細
Recommended SCI paper polishing 推薦的sci論文潤色 詳細
Foreign SCI polishing 外文sci潤色 詳細
How much is the medical SCI polishing cost 醫(yī)學sci潤色多少錢 詳細
Medical SCI article polishing 醫(yī)學sci文章潤色 詳細
SCI polished sci潤色的 詳細
Animal Experiment Company 做動物實驗公司 詳細
How much is it to build an animal model 動物模型構(gòu)建多少錢 詳細
Foreign paper polishing 外國論文潤色 詳細
English polishing of medical SCI papers 醫(yī)學sci論文英文潤色 詳細
How much is the general SCI polishing cost 一般sci潤色多少錢 詳細
Experimental technical service 實驗技術(shù)服務 詳細
Gene knockout cas9 基因敲除 cas9 詳細
Animal model construction price 動物模型構(gòu)建價格 詳細
SCI polishing project sci潤色項目 詳細
Polishing one SCI paper sci論文潤色一篇 詳細
Outsourcing an animal experiment 外包一個動物試驗 詳細
Conducting animal experiments requires companies 做動物實驗需要公司 詳細
Medical SCI polishing and modification 醫(yī)學sci潤色修改 詳細
Medical SCI polishing agency 醫(yī)學sci潤色機構(gòu) 詳細
Manuscript polishing SCI 文稿潤色sci 詳細
Recommended SCI polishing company 推薦sci潤色公司 詳細
How much is it for one SCI polishing 一篇sci潤色多少錢 詳細
General SCI paper polishing fee 一般sci論文潤色費 詳細
Medical SCI paper polishing 醫(yī)學sci論文潤色 詳細
How to polish medical SCI papers 醫(yī)學sci論文如何潤色 詳細
Cas9 gene knockout price cas9基因敲除價格 詳細
General SCI polishing 一般sci潤色 詳細
Refinish an SCI paper, probably by company 潤色一篇sci論文大概公司 詳細
Professional SCI polishing article 專業(yè)sci潤色一篇 詳細
Ghostwriting provincial-level projects 代寫省級課題 詳細
Experimental outsourcing requires 實驗外包要 詳細
Experimental agency 實驗代做 詳細
Outsourcing of mouse biological experiments 小鼠生物實驗外包 詳細
Recommended by medical SCI polishing institutions 醫(yī)學sci潤色機構(gòu)推薦 詳細
Medical SCI polishing costs 醫(yī)學sci潤色費用 詳細
Foreign language SCI polishing 外語sci潤色 詳細
Polishing of Civil SCI Papers 土木sci論文潤色 詳細
SCI paper polishing is average sci論文潤色一般 詳細
Guangzhou crispr cas9 gene knockout 廣州crispr/cas9基因敲除 詳細
Animal Disease Model Price 動物疾病模型價格 詳細
SCI polishing is generally a company article sci潤色一般一篇公司 詳細
SCI Refinishing Company sci潤色大概公司 詳細
Writing a proposal report on behalf of others 代寫開題報告 詳細
Preclinical animal experiments 臨床前 動物實驗 詳細
產(chǎn)品總數(shù):9791 產(chǎn)品頁碼:
58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98


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