




客服熱線:027-88185565 13164666941

英文名稱 中文名稱 CAS號 操作
NeXtalStock Sodium ac. H2O (200) 詳細
Nipple, Suction Cup, AP 詳細
O-rings, Norpren tube fixing, M48 (2) 詳細
PCB - Shutter, PyroQ96MD 詳細
PCB, connect, touch screen, Qsym 詳細
Penta.His Antibody, (1000) 詳細
Peristaltic Pump Outlet Tubing 3100,4002 詳細
Piston, Anode (1), QX 詳細
Plasmid Prep, Large Scale 詳細
Probe, ceramic coat., 0.4mm, 158mm 詳細
Puregene Blood Core Kit C 詳細
PyroMark Control Oligo 詳細
PyroMark Gold Q96 Reagents (5 x 96) 詳細
PyroMark Storage Box 13x8x5cm, Pyro 詳細
QIAamp DSP Virus Spin Kit (50) 詳細
NeXtalStock TRIS pH 8.5 (200) 詳細
O Ring, #010, Nitrile, 70D (Set of 10) 詳細
Oil, lubrication, food-grade 詳細
Packing Foam Set - DML2000 詳細
Plate stacker 詳細
Power Cord, USA 詳細
PyroMark Q96 CpG MLH1 (96) 詳細
PyroMark Q96 SNP APOE (96) 詳細
NeXtalStock Sodium cacodyl. pH 6.6 (100) 詳細
Oligotex mRNA Mini Kit 詳細
Opto Sensor, Common, AP 詳細
PCB, MM-01, BS96 詳細
Plate Washer I - Reservoir 詳細
Pneumatic Cylinder 詳細
PyroMark Q24 CpG p16 (4 x 24) 詳細
PCR Amplification 2'-脫氧尿苷-5'-三磷酸三鈉鹽 102814-08-4 詳細
Notebook, XP 詳細
O-rings, nozzle, M96 (8) 詳細
Plate Washer - Wash Cap Assembly 詳細
pMD18-T Vector Takara;6011 詳細
Power Supply, 6 amp for P 90, (7135) 詳細
PyroMark CpG Assay (200) 詳細
QIAamp DNA Accessory Set B 詳細
NeXtalStock Proline (100) 詳細
O Ring, #012, Nitrile, 70D (Set of 20) 詳細
Oligotex mRNA Midi Kit 詳細
PC board Zent1, no Eprom, parameter free 詳細
Plate Stacker Ambient Temp, RCS1 詳細
Power Supply Grounding Kit 詳細
Probe Tubing Holding Screw with bushing 詳細
PyroMark Q96 CpG Prader Willi (96) 詳細
PyroMark Q96 SNP HFE (96) 詳細
QIAamp cador Pathogen Mini Kit (50) 詳細
NeXtalStock tert-Butanol (200) 詳細
Nozzles, M96 (8) 詳細
Oligotex Suspension (0.5) 詳細
Open Reading Frame Search 詳細
Optical imbalance system 詳細
Output Rack, 96 pos, DCU 詳細
Peltier module, PyroQ96 詳細
Pins, locating, Mix and Reagent set, CG1 詳細
Prssure retaining valve for Washer Mod. 詳細
PyroMark Q96 HS Q96 Reagent Tip (4) 詳細
NeXtalStock Sodium ac. H2O pH 5.0(200) 詳細
PAXgene Blood DNA Tube (100) 詳細
PCB 1 - Connection, PyroQ96ID 詳細
PCB, lrge breakout, 8 core to rev3, CC2 詳細
Plate Turntable Olympus PK80 (inc. brd.) 詳細
Plate Washer I - 105 Micron Filters 詳細
PyroMark Q24 詳細
QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Accessory Set A 詳細
QIAamp MinElute Media Kit (50) 詳細
NeXtalStock Propylene glycol (200) 詳細
Penta.His Antibody 96 Plates (100) 詳細
Pin, lid hinge, CAS 詳細
Pivot pin, N2, w E-clip, QX 詳細
Power supply unit, 24V, cooling, color c 詳細
Powerboard 230 V 詳細
Print YZ96-Adapter-Board Plato-7 詳細
Probe, 0.9 mm, BR8000 v1.00 詳細
PyroMark Computer (OPC), PyroQ96 詳細
qBiomarker Somatic Mutations PCR Assays 詳細
NeXtalStock Trimethylamine N-Oxide (100) 詳細
Oligo-dt Primers (100 μl) 詳細
O-ring Kit, Shaker, AP 詳細
Packaging, TLyser2 詳細
Plate Catridge ABS V1, VTX2 詳細
Plate Mask, DML2 詳細
Power Cord, UK 詳細
Power Supply - Instr., PyroQ24 詳細
NeXtalStock Sodium acet. (200) 詳細
NeXtalStock Spermine (100) 詳細
Optic fibre, 550 mm, GSC 詳細
PCB, Main-01, BS96 詳細
pET Express & Purify Kit—His60 詳細
pigtype Trichinella Ab (1) 詳細
Pipetting Position (raised platform) 詳細
Plate Washer I - Manifold 詳細
Power Cord, India 詳細
Power Input Module, DML2 詳細
PyroMark Denaturation Sol. (500 ml) 詳細
PyroMark Q24 Cartridge (3) CE 詳細
QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Accessory Set B 詳細
產(chǎn)品總數(shù):2650 產(chǎn)品頁碼:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27


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