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Enzo Biochem Inc Company Information

Company Name:    Enzo Biochem Inc
Tel:    -Enzo Biochem Inc.
Email:    Enzoname@qq.com
Nationality:    CHINA
WebSite:    www.enzo.com
Product List:    124556
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Product List
SLC24A5 Antibody (OAEB01511)
OR5T2 Antibody - C-terminal region (ARP41848_P050)
IL-10 (human) ELISpot Set (non-sterile plate)
SOX2 antibody - Embryonic Stem Cell Marker
KIF9 Antibody - N-terminal region (ARP33966_P050)
Apolipoprotein-M, HEK Human Recombinant ( APOM Human HEK )
ACSL1 Antibody - C-terminal region (ARP32784_P050)
GON7 Antibody - C-terminal region (ARP69018_P050)
CNTNAP2 Antibody - C-terminal region (OAAB05297)
Mouse Anti-Thymocyte Globulin ATG ELISA Kit
Phospho-EGFR (Ser1070) Colorimetric Cell-Based ELISA Kit
Phb ELISA Kit (Mouse)
ZNF688 Antibody
IGF1 Peptide
Golgi Complex Antibody [371-4]
K1199 Antibody
Resistin Mutant Human Recombinant ( Resistin Mutant Human )
dsDNA Antibody [DRNC1-1]
NAIF1 ELISA Kit (Human)
Gas 1 ELISA Kit (Rat)
Betamethasone Valerate 2152-44-5
Human tubular basement membrane antibogy,TBM ELISA Kit
Collagen III Antibody
HHEX Antibody
DCAF17 Antibody - C-terminal region (ARP70123_P050)
C-peptide of Proinsulin antibody (C-PEP-01)
Porcine Chaperonin 10 CPN10 ELISA Kit
Rat Cytochrome P450scc Side Chain Cleavage Enzyme ELISA Kit
Porcine Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor BDNF ELISA Kit
ACAP3 Antibody - C-terminal region (OAAB18239)
Dog/Canine Heparan Sulphate Proteoglycan HSPG ELISA Kit
FAM5C Antibody
Human Fibrinogen ELISA Kit
AMHR2 Antibody
Kinase Domain of Insulin Receptor ( 5 ) Peptide
MAPK3 Antibody - N-terminal region (ARP72530_P050)
PPP1R2 Antibody - N-terminal region (ARP61382_P050)
SARS CoV-2 full length spike protein in LMNG detergent
PRMT5 Antibody - N-terminal region (ARP40185_T100)
Cytochrome P450 3A4/5 Colorimetric Cell-Based ELISA Kit
Phospho-PEA15 (Ser116) Antibody
IL-10 receptor beta monoclonal antibody (#8R24)
UBE2K ELISA Kit (Human)
SLC7A4 Antibody
SOD1 Peptide
RNAse H2A Peptide
GCNT3 (N-Terminus) antibody
prd Antibody - middle region (ARP47857_P050)
ARHGAP11B Antibody - C-terminal region (ARP69061_P050)
GSTM3 Antibody - middle region (ARP53562_P050)
Mouse A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase With Thrombospondin 1 ( Adamts1 ) ELISA Kit
LAMA1 ELISA Kit (Human)
FGF22 ELISA Kit (Mouse)
FSHR Antibody
IRF6 Antibody
CD44 antibody (MEM-263)
AKR1A1 Antibody, KO Validated
PFKFB2 Antibody (Phospho-Ser483) (OASG05809)
MPV17 Peptide
Canine CCL3/MIP-1 alpha ELISA Kit
Porcine Anti-Oj Antibody OJ/lleRS ELISA Kit
Equine growth hormone,GH ELISA Kit
Catalase Antibody
Dog/Canine Herpes Simplex Virus 2 ELISA Kit
Rat Dynamin 1 DNM1 ELISA Kit
TM222 Antibody
Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor, 3 Domains Long Cytoplasmic Tail 1 Human Recombinant ( KIR3DL1 Human )
Hepatitis B virus pre-S2 Recombinant Protein
CPA4 Human
AML1 DNA-Binding ELISA Kit
Stathmin 1 Antibody
NEK8 Antibody
FAM-Phe-DAP Green FLISP AssayTM Kit
Hepatitis B Virus Core delta Recombinant ( HBV core delta )
Human Inhibitor Of Apoptosis Protein Like Protein2 ILP2 ELISA Kit
CD49d Antibody [7.2] (FITC)
Heat shock protein beta-2 Recombinant Protein
Dog/Canine Complement Component 8B C8B ELISA Kit
IL-6R Recombinant Antibody [D7715A7]
Phospho-Moesin/Ezrin/Radixin (Thr558) Colorimetric Cell-Based ELISA Kit
ULBP2 ELISA Kit (Human)
MAFB Antibody
Human SCGN / Secretagogin ELISA Kit
MST3 Positive Control
Bovine Chemokine Like Factor Superfamily 5 CKLFSF5 ELISA Kit
Vps72 Antibody - N-terminal region (ARP33349_P050)
Human CD54 ELISA Kit (pre-coated)
SLC26A1 / SAT-1 Antibody
SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) ORF10 Peptide
DR3 (N-Terminus) antibody
CTLA4 Positive Control
SARS-CoV-2 Spike RBD - HEK - his tag - Indian Delta Plus
ROPN1 ELISA Kit (Mouse)
MSR1 ELISA Kit (Mouse)
SREBP1 Blocking Peptide
SEMG1 Antibody (OACA06994)
EBNA1BP2 Antibody - middle region (ARP64763_P050)
GRN ELISA Kit (Mouse)
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