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上海嘉楚生物工程有限公司 Company Information

Company Name:    Shanghai Jiachu bio-engineering Co. , Ltd.
Tel:    021-59905313
Email:    order@shanghaishengwu.com
Nationality:    China
WebSite:    www.shanghaishengwu.net
Product List:    7944
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Product List
Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein Kit (OX-LDL) R200961
Insulin test kit R200966
Acetylcholine (ACH) Assay Kit (Culture Fluid) (Microplate Method) R200981
Endogenous carbon monoxide (CO) determination kit (whole blood) (colorimetric method) R200986
Nitric Oxide (NO) Assay Kit (Nitrate Reductase Method) R201001
Total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) assay kit (ABTS method) microplate method R201006
Adiponectin (ADP) Test Kit R201022
Transferrin (TRF) test kit R201027
Sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) assay kit (UV colorimetry) R201042
Total lipase [lipoprotein lipase (LPL), hepatic lipase (HL)] assay kit (colorimetric method) R201047
Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex I Kit (NADH-CoA Reductase) R200953
Chlorophyll test kit (colorimetric method) R200958
Progesterone (PROG) Test Kit R200973
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor test kit (BDNF) test kit R200978
β-N-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG) kit (colorimetric method) R200993
Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) Typing Test Kit [Test (T-NOS, INOS, CNOS) three types and give results simultaneously] (Colorimetric method) R200998
Plant flavonoid test kit (colorimetric method) R201013
Lipoprotein A (LP(A)) Assay Kit (latex enhanced immunoturbidimetry) R201019
Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand-1 (TRAIL-R1) test kit R201034
Lipid Peroxide (LPO) Kit R201039
Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex IV Kit (Ferrocytochrome C Oxidoreductase) R200950
Adenosine deaminase (ADA) assay kit R200955
Insulin Growth Factor Binding Protein-3 (IGFBP-3) Test Kit R200970
Apoptosis Factor Test Kit (FAS/APO-1) Test Kit R200975
Acetylcholine transferase (CHAT) assay kit (tissue) (ultraviolet colorimetry) R200990
Total nitric oxide synthase (NOS) test kit [Total NOS (T-NOS)] R200995
Plant soluble sugar content test kit (colorimetric method) R201010
Lipofuscin (LF) Assay Kit (Fluorescence Colorimetry) R201016
Apolipoprotein A1 (APO-A1) test kit R201031
Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 1 (STNF-ΑR1) Test Kit R201036
Acetyl CoA Carboxylase Kit (ACC) R200962
Pancreatic Elastase (Pancreatic Elastase/PANCREATIC ELASTASE) Test Kit R200967
Acetylcholine (ACH) Assay Kit (Serum) (Microplate Method) R200982
Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) assay kit (UV colorimetric method) R200987
Nitric Oxide (NO) Assay Kit (Nitrate Reductase Method) R201002
Total Bile Acid (TBA) Kit (Microplate Method) R201007
Histamine (HIS) test kit R201023
Ferritin (FER) test kit R201028
Sucrose phosphate synthase (SPS) assay kit (UV colorimetry) R201043
Trace free hemoglobin (FHB) assay kit (colorimetric method) R200954
Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) activity test kit (colorimetric method) R200959
B-cell lymphoma/leukemia-2 (BCL-2) test kit R200974
Neurotrophin 4 (NT-4) Test Kit R200979
Acetylcholinesterase (A-CHE) test kit R200994
Nitric Oxide (NO) Assay Kit (Microplate Method) R200999
Sucrose Determination Kit (National Standard Method) R201014
Apolipoprotein B (APOB) Assay Kit (Immunoturbidimetry) R201020
Amyloid A (SAA) Test Kit R201025
Lipid Peroxide (LPO) Kit R201040
Sucrose synthase (SS) assay kit (UV colorimetry) R201045
Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex III Kit (Coenzyme Q-Cytochrome C Reductase) R200951
Insulin (INS) Kit (latex enhanced immunoturbidimetry) R200956
Insulin Growth Factor Binding Protein-2 (IGFBP-2) Test Kit R200971
Glial cell-derived trophic factor (GDNF) test kit R200976
Free fatty acid (NEFA) determination kit (colorimetric method) R200991
Total nitric oxide synthase (NOS) test kit [Total NOS (T-NOS)] R200996
Plant proanthocyanidins test kit (colorimetric method) R201011
Tissue Protein Extraction Kit R201017
Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand-3 (TRAIL-R3) test kit R201032
Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) Test Kit R201037
Nitrate Reductase (NR) Assay Kit R200948
Free Thyroxine Test Kit (FT4) R200963
Glucagon (GC) Test Kit R200968
Acetylcholine (ACH) Assay Kit (Tissue) (Microplate Method) R200983
Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) assay kit (UV colorimetric method) R200988
Apolipoprotein E (APOE) Kit (Immunoturbidimetric Method) R201003
Direct Bilirubin (D-BIL) Kit (Chemical Oxidation Method) (Microplate Method) R201008
Lipoprotein A (LP-A) test kit R201024
Apolipoprotein E (APO-E) test kit R201029
Sucrose synthase (SS) assay kit (UV colorimetry) R201044
Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) Test Kit (DAF-FM DA Probe Method) (Fluorescence Method) R200960
Free fatty acid (NEFA) test kit (enzymatic method, double reagent) (microplate method) R200965
Neurotrophin 3 (NT-3) Test Kit R200980
Endogenous carbon monoxide (CO) determination kit (tissue) (colorimetric method) R200985
Nitric oxide (NO) determination kit (chemical method for measuring NO2ˉ) R201000
Total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) assay kit (FRAP method) microplate method R201005
Apolipoprotein AI (APOA-I) Assay Kit (Immunoturbidimetric Method) R201021
Metallothionein (MT) Test Kit R201026
Lipid Peroxide (LPO) Kit R201041
Total lipase [lipoprotein lipase (LPL), hepatic lipase (HL)] assay kit (colorimetric method) R201046
Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex II Kit (Succinate-CoA Reductase) R200952
α-Fucosidase (AFU) test kit (colorimetric method) R200957
Insulin Growth Factor Binding Protein-1 (IGFBP-1) Test Kit R200972
Ciliary neurotrophic factor test kit (CNTF) test kit R200977
Nitrite Assay Kit (Colorimetric Method) R200992
Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) Typing Test Kit [Test (T-NOS, INOS, CNOS) three types and give results simultaneously] (Colorimetric method) R200997
Plant total phenol test kit (colorimetric method) R201012
Transferrin (TRF) Assay Kit (Immunoturbidimetric Method) R201018
Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand-2 (TRAIL-R2) test kit R201033
Neutral esterase stain R201038
Mitochondrial respiratory chain complex V kit (F0F1-ATPase/ATP synthase) R200949
Free Triiodothyronine Kit (FT3) R200964
Oncostatin (OSM) Test Kit R200969
Endogenous carbon monoxide (CO) determination kit (serum/plasma) (colorimetric method) R200984
Acetylcholine transferase (CHAT) assay kit (serum) (ultraviolet colorimetry) R200989
Lipase (LPS) Assay Kit (Microplate Method) R201004
Total Bilirubin (T-BIL) Kit (Chemical Oxidation Method) (Microplate Method) R201009
Sucrose Determination Kit (UV Colorimetry) R201015
Apolipoprotein B (APO-B) test kit R201030
Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor 2 (STNF-ΑR2) Test Kit R201035
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