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Shanghai Jiachu bio-engineering Co. , Ltd. 企業(yè)の連絡(luò)先情報(bào)

名前:Shanghai Jiachu bio-engineering Co. , Ltd.


Purple Agar Base
Korser’s Citrate Broth
Litmus Milk Medium
LIM Medium
Motili TY-Indol-Urea Medium Base
Dextrose Agarブドウ糖トリプトン寒天培地
Eluent for the Sterile Test
Urease Agar Base
MIO Medium
Power-nitrate Medium
Mannitol Fermentation Medium
Andrade′s Carbohydrate Broth Base
Stuart Transport Medium
Nitrate peptone water Medium
Indole Nitrite Medium
Purple Broth Base
Amies Transport Mediumアミー輸送培地
KCN Medium Base
Peptone Water Medium
Lysine Iron Agarリジン鉄寒天培地
Hμgh-Leifson Medium
Cary-Blair Transport Medium
Simmons Citrate Agarシモンズクエン酸寒天培地
Ferrous sulfate Agar
Ammonium Dextrose Medium
Kligler Iron Agar
Nitrate Broth
MR-VP Medium
Tryptone Physiology Solution
Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline(D-PBS)
Tryptone Bile Agar
Violet Red Bile Dextrose Agar
Endo Medium
Brilliant Green Lactose Bile Broth
A1 Medium
Honda Toxin-Producing Broth
Desoxycholate Lactose Agar
Eosin Methylene-blue Lactose Sucrose Agar
LB Broth,MillerLB培地, Miller
Sensitivi TY Disk Broth
LMG Agar
MIAC Agar Base
Double Lactose Bile Medium Base
Lauryl Sulfate Tryptose BrothC12H26O4S
LB Agar,LennoxLB寒天培地, Lennox
Purple Lactose Agar
MFC Broth
China Blue Agar
Lactose TTC Agar Baee
MFC AgarM FC寒天
Iso-Sensitest Broth
Fuchsin Basic Sodium Sulfite Agar
MEE Broth
Enterobacteriaceae Enrichment Mannitol Medium
Presence Absence Broth
LB Broth,LennoxLBブロス
MacConkey Agar Without Salt
Violet Red Bile Agarバイオレットレッド膽汁寒天培地
Lactose Peptone Broth
Fuchsin Basic Sodium Sulfite Broth
LES Endo Agar
Brilliant Green Bile Agar
EC BrothECブイヨン
AK Agar #2(Sporulating)
HTM Medium Base
Mueller-Hinton Agarミュラーヒントン寒天培地
Iso-Sensitest Agar
CLSI Mueller Hinton Ⅱ Broth(Cation-Adjusted)
Mueller-Hinton Brothミュラーヒントンブイヨン
NZYM Broth
Sorbitol MacConkey Agar (CT-SMAC Agar Base)
Modified EC Broth Base
2×YT Medium
mTSB Broth with Novobiocin Base
M9 Minimal Salt,5×
MMO-Mμg Medium
Modified Lauryl Sulfate Tryptose Broth Base
Luria Broth Base
Luria Agar Base
Aliz-gal Agar
EC-Mμg Medium
NA-Mμg Agar
Elek Medium
MacConkey Agar Base
SOC MediumSOC培地
SOB MediumSOB培地
Super Broth
Minimal Broth Davis without Dextrose
Minimal Agar Davis
M9CA Broth
Super Broth Agar
Selenite Cystine Broth
Rappaport-Vassiliadis R10 broth
Bismuth Sulfite Agar
Select APS Super Broth Base
Select APS LB Broth Base
Buffered Peptone Water緩衝ペプトン水
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