
武漢科昊佳生物科技有限公司 公司信息

公司名稱: 武漢科昊佳生物科技有限公司
電話: 027-88185565 13164666941
網(wǎng)址: www.biozj.com


Adapter, skirted PCR plate, BS96
AllStars Neg. siRNA AF 546 (20 nmol)
Arm Mechanism, RCS1
Belt, Y-motor, v2, M48
Board, power branching
Buffer AL
Buffer FG1 (825 ml)
Cable ethernet crossover, Kloehn
Cable, P assembly, 1ch., Cx2
CD Rom Manual - LumiCheck Plate
Accessory Cabinet MDx
AcGFP Flow Cytometer Calibration Beads
Bearings up. & low, BS96
Board, smart key, QX
Buffer AW1 (151 ml)
Buffer MW1 (77ml)
Buffer QC
Calibration pyramid 1.02
Camera MX5, PyroQ96ID
Carton and Protective Foam, RGQ
cDNA Library, Picked Clones
Buffer BM3 Wash buffer 8 x 150 ml conc.
Agreement, MDx, 2PM, 1yr
Autopure Proteinase K Solution (3500 μl)
Board, IPS, M48
Buffer AE
Buffer ATL ( 4 x 50 ml)
Cable set, PS 220V, BR8000
Cable, 24V, power to cooling, 1900 mm
Cable, PS24 to XADAPT board, BR8000
Cable, y, z, & p motor harness, C34
Carrier RNA(poly A) 12x1350μg-15-25°C,KG
cattletype MAP Ab (5)
AC fuse, 230 V, 4A, M48
Arm Plato 1000 MWG mit Handler o.Elektr.
BioSprint 96 to RNA (384) - UDP
Board, PSB
Buffer D2 (2 x 15 ml)
Buffer FG2 (750 ml)
Cable, P-axis, wires, 8 ch. , C18
Cable, RS323, robot to syringe pump, 225
Capillary, dispenser head, BR8000 (8pcs)
CD User Manual LiquiChip 200
Cignal Reporter Assay Kit
Arrow, direction of rotation
Back Reagent Plate, printed
Board, motor control, X, QX
Buffer AW1 (175 ml)
Cable, LSB to AC, BR8000
Actril Sterilant & Test Strips, AP
Add. Unit, Validation Support, 2d
Autopure Qubes D (192)
Base Plate, Robovac, BR8 RD4.2 UTP
Board, IST, M96
Bucket + Plateholder,up to 3 microplates
Buffer AVL
Cable tie, velcro (100), RGQ
Cable, RS232, Belkin F2N209-06-T, 1.8m
Cbl Assy, Controller Driver to RTD Adapt
Cignal Reporter Control
8-Rod Covers (144)
Adapter, USB-serial, EZ1a
AllStars Cell Death Contr.siRNA (5nmol)
Belttool, Y-Drive, Adjust
Block, 4-way, v1.02
BR M48, PM Agreement
Buffer ATE (20 ml)
Cap, white
cattletype BHV1 gB Ab (20)
8 OUT Relay, F2-08TRS, AP96
AllStars Neg. siRNA AF 488 (5 nmol)
Assy, Capper Shuttle, AP96
Assy, Sub, Dispense Head, AP96
Board, motor control, Z, V2, QX
Bottle, 500ml, wide mouth
Buffer AW2
Buffer N2 (2 x 10 ml)
Buffer RBC (45 ml)
Certal CHO Detection Kit (100)
Actuator, gripper, QIAC
Base, 1-8 connector, BR8000
Board, LED scan, QX
Bucket for up to 3 microplates
Buffer MTL (54 ml)
Buffer PE (concentrate)
Clamp, table, single sided, C42
Anti-GST Antibody (100μg)
Board, HC2
Brush Motor 2 Required, VTX2
Buffer ACL (220ml)
Buffer ATL
Buffer DLB (13mg lyophylized), G
Buffer TCL, 2x (8.5 ml),G
Cable, T-nt comm.
Card, X-main, bar code
Carrier RNA (Poly rA) (310μl)
Cassette, HSPS, click'n'go
cattletype BHV1 gB Ab (5)
CD, Manual, Service, BIOROBOT MDx
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