
OriGene Technologies, Inc??? ?? ??? ?????.

?? ?:OriGene Technologies, Inc
URL: www.origene.com.cn
? ?? ?:672261

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MPST Human Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
SBSN (NM_001166035) Human Untagged Clone
PPP2R5B (NM_006244) Human Over-expression Lysate
Mouse Krtap16-1 activation kit by CRISPRa
Hdgfrp3 Mouse shRNA Plasmid (Locus ID 29877)
SERPINB6 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [Clone ID: OTI2F8]
BDH2 Human qPCR Primer Pair (NM_020139)
Rabepk Mouse shRNA Plasmid (Locus ID 227746)
Ebf1 Mouse qPCR Primer Pair (NM_007897)
SYPL1 (NM_182715) Human Untagged Clone
GCDFP 15 (PIP) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin conjugated) [Clone ID: OTI4F1]
Polm (NM_001011912) Rat Untagged Clone
H1f0 (NM_012578) Rat Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Pamr1 (NM_001107755) Rat Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
KMT2B Human shRNA Plasmid Kit (Locus ID 9757)
Glypican 5 (GPC5) (NM_004466) Human Recombinant Protein
PELI3 Human Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
Dixdc1 (NM_178118) Mouse Untagged Clone
ARHGAP8 (NM_001017526) Human Recombinant Protein
PRDM15 Human siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 63977)
Human Thyroxine Binding Globulin (SERPINA7) activation kit by CRISPRa
Collagen VI (COL6A3) (NM_057167) Human 3' UTR Clone
Prmt5 (NM_001108867) Rat Tagged ORF Clone
Plscr3 (NM_001012139) Rat Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Gm13277 Mouse shRNA Plasmid (Locus ID 545650)
AKR1CL1 (AKR1C8P) Human qPCR Primer Pair (NM_001007536)
beta IV Tubulin (TUBB4A) Human qPCR Template Standard (NM_006087)
Olfr510 Mouse Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
Cannabinoid Receptor I (CNR1) Human qPCR Template Standard (NM_033181)
TMEM59L Human qPCR Template Standard (NM_012109)
Ccdc189 (NM_001033040) Mouse Untagged Clone
Tirap (NM_001177845) Mouse Untagged Clone
Human STRBP (NM_018387) AAV Particle
GIMAP2 (NM_015660) Human Over-expression Lysate
Human CSDC2 activation kit by CRISPRa
BLZF1 CytoSection
Vom1r50 (NM_001008918) Rat Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
ACTR3C (NM_001164458) Human Untagged Clone
TSGA14 (CEP41) (NM_018718) Human Over-expression Lysate
Olfr367-ps Mouse shRNA Plasmid (Locus ID 545417)
NELL2 (NM_006159) Human Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Polink DS-GM-Hu B Kit for Goat and mouse antibody on human tissue with BCIP/NBT & AEC
Mouse Mcm3 activation kit by CRISPRa
PSMD4 (NM_153822) Human Untagged Clone
Ergic2 (BC026558) Mouse Tagged ORF Clone
Atp5if1 Rat siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 25392)
Tsga13 Mouse shRNA Plasmid (Locus ID 116732)
TCEA1 Human siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 6917)
Arhgef38 Mouse Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
Tas2r140 (NM_021562) Mouse Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Commd6 Mouse qPCR Primer Pair (NM_001033132)
Axin2 Mouse Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
Sos1 (NM_001100716) Rat Untagged Clone
C5R1 (C5AR1) Human qPCR Primer Pair (NM_001736)
KCTD14 Human Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
ACSBG1 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody
Kpnb1 (BC052438) Mouse Untagged Clone
Oxct1 (NM_024188) Mouse Untagged Clone
Txndc9 Mouse qPCR Template Standard (NM_172054)
Keratinocyte differentiation associated protein (KRTDAP) Human qPCR Primer Pair (NM_207392)
Car2 Mouse siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 12349)
Defb42 Mouse Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
ALS2CR15 (ICA1L) (AK094311) Human Untagged Clone
Nmrk1 (NM_145497) Mouse Untagged Clone
Fxyd1 Mouse shRNA Plasmid (Locus ID 56188)
KLF13 (NM_015995) Human Untagged Clone
HNMT (NM_001024075) Human Tagged ORF Clone
Macrophage Inflammatory Protein 3 (CCL23) (NM_145898) Human Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
CTRP4 (C1QTNF4) CytoSection
Supt20h Rat siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 361946)
CDC27 pSer427 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody
LAYN (NM_001258390) Human Tagged ORF Clone
Csprs Mouse qPCR Primer Pair (NM_033616)
CBLN2 (NM_182511) Human Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
EYA2 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody
CDX2 (NM_001265) Human Tagged ORF Clone
RIT1 (NM_006912) Human Recombinant Protein
GCNT7 (NM_001128614) Human Tagged ORF Clone
Human TEX261 activation kit by CRISPRa
Ephexin 1 (NGEF) (NM_001114090) Human 3' UTR Clone
OSGIN2 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin conjugated) [Clone ID: OTI7D12]
C1orf84 (NM_001012961) Human Over-expression Lysate
SNRPN (NM_003097) Human Tagged ORF Clone
RNF11 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [Clone ID: OTI1G7]
Human MFI2 (MELTF) (NM_005929) AAV Particle
RPL18A (NM_000980) Human Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
iNOS (NOS2) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin conjugated) [Clone ID: OTI3H7]
IL2 Receptor gamma (IL2RG) Polyclonal Antibody [Clone ID: TUGh4]
Cers5 Rat shRNA Plasmid (Locus ID 366984)
Ctu2 Mouse qPCR Primer Pair (NM_153775)
Macrophage inflammatory protein 5 (CCL15) (NM_004167) Human Untagged Clone
Magea8 Mouse siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 17144)
THTPA Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (HRP conjugated) [Clone ID: OTI5F7]
Duoxa1 (NM_145395) Mouse Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
0610037L13Rik (NM_028754) Mouse Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Ano2 Mouse Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
Dynein heavy chain (DNAH9) (NM_004662) Human Untagged Clone
Klk10 (NM_133712) Mouse Untagged Clone
EFCBP2 (NECAB2) CytoSection
MIR124-3 Rat MicroRNA Expression Plasmid (MI0000892)
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